Monday, August 9, 2010

Thats not Hijab!!! (is it?)

I dont know if anyone else has noticed this but I am seeing a lot of hijabis that are dressed in a way that I wouldn't call modest.
There seems to be a growing number of women who have the hair covered yet seem to wear a mid length dress with leggings. I dont know about other people but I personally feel that as a muslimah, this wouldnt constitute as covering up.
Before I wore hijab ( and after I started), I would try my utmost to avoid fitted clothing. I stuck to loose trousers and jeans, and my tops were generally 2 sizes bigger than I actually was.

One can argue that the body is covered and that no flesh is visible (as is the case). And I am in agreement with this. But leggings allow the shape of the legs to be seen.
Isn't the female form more attractive to a man than her hair? Shouldn't a woman first learn to cover her body before embracing the scarf/veil?

“Modesty is from the faith, and the faith is in Paradise.” (Ahmed)


Jaz said...

happy ramadan!

Kav-Lee said...


Happy Ramadhaan to u too!

Sparkle said...

Mini skirt with leggings... and a hijab on top? Embarassing to Muslimahs I would say.

Makes me sick when I see such images... My sis says, "These girls are revealing what we're trying to cover!!" lol

Ah well, may Allah guide them to the right path...

Sparkle xxx

Kav-Lee said...

alhumdulillah even more i started wearing a scarf, none of my outfits could have been deemed unislamic...if anything they were a little on the tomboyish side!! my fave was the "un ironed" look!!