Its been a very long time since I have been on here. Partly because Im working 7 days a week. And then my modem messed up and I lost my internet dongle :(
But now I have some connectivity to the net ( albeit not very good), I thought I should drop a quick message to let my 7 followers know Im still alive and kicking.
My life feels like its been on pause for the last few months. I have got nothing to show for my time. Apart from all this work I have been doing (At least my credit card is now clear and I am no longer in overdraft AND slowly paying back all those Uni loans!!). Its an achievement of some sort I guess but it is not want I was hoping for.
I was hoping to be in some kind of a permanent job related to my field of interest ( Biological Sciences)
I was hoping for a change in my home situation, where my parents would start treating me like an adult.
I was hoping for a change in my relationship status. At best I can change it to "complicated" rather than "single".
To cheer myself up I have been watching the recent adaptations of Jane Austens novels... My favourite is Persuasion. Anne Elliot reminds me of me!