Thursday, April 1, 2010

Im feeling the burn!

I remember the days when:
I would go to bed late...and wake up 3 hours later feeling refreshed.
Run half way down the road for the bus.
Stay awake in a 3 hour lecture AND make copious notes that are legible.
Pull all nighters to finish coursework.
Exercise for a solid 2 hours and have more energy than when I started....

I only get out of bed after 9 hours sleep ( minimum)
Running for the bus is no longer an option...theres bound to be another one coming within 10 minutes.
I dont attend lectures anymore ( thankfully)
Nor do I have courseworks due in any time soon!
I suffer muscle aches for 4 days AFTER completing one exercise class!

BUT I will persevere with the exercise. Hopefully I'll lose some love handles and gain a bigger set of lungs!


Effervescent said...

wow yeh i soo feel the same. Well i havent actually changed much, some days i have to sleep for like 9 hours and i still feel tired, other days i sleep 2 or 3 hours and feel fine like thae past 3 days i was at an islamic conference so we had like 5 or 6 lectures a day and the first 1 would start at hal9 and the last one would finish like 10/half 10, i use to sleep for like 2 hours and still manage to get through the day with energy, now im home and i feel so lazy! My excercise routine never sticks lol so im not too bothered about that anymore.

I think you should just try and make urself busy, and not get lazy because it makes u more tired and then you feel quite crap because you havent got much done.
Speaking of not getting much done, i have exams in a month and only just started my revision notes!!! scared!!

single4now said...

I know what you mean. I feel I don't have the same stamina as before. I have made a decision to start exercising everyday and building it up to increase my stamina. The plank is considered to be really good to build core muscles.

Swimming is a good exercise and you can practice holding your breath as well. :P

Kav-Lee said...

I have noticed that my blood pressure drops quite low if mum has the heating on for too long and that makes me feel weak and sick all day. Hopefully once I start exercising more and getting more fresh air it will make me feel better!

Thankfully the days are longer and warmer so I wont be cooped up inside!

Effer....omg I have an assessment on the bricking it coz Ive been out of practise! Make dua for me that I pass!