Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Interview!

I travelled up to the Midlands for my first ever interview.

I am feeling positive. There was a lot of smiling and nodding ( which I take as a good sign)
I answered the questions and mentioned hwo well they were doing with controlling infections so hopefully that scored some brownie points!
A friend said I should keep a record of the type of questions they asked for reference purposes... so I am adding them here as a reminder for myself!

Interviewer 1:
Tell us about any project work you did. What was it about? What techniques did you use? What was the outcome?

Interviewer 2:
What do you know about HAI (hosp acq infections) and name some examples.
How would you carry out infection control in the lab?

Interviewer 3:
Give an example of where you communicated effectively with a person/ resolved issues?

IF I don't get this job then at least I have gained some insight into what type of Qs were asked and how to balance out my time effectively.
Will let you peeps know the outcome this interview soon.....

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