Thursday, July 22, 2010


^^^^ Thats how I feel.
I had to take my mum to the market to buy her weekly fruit and vegetable. As you are aware, we are not on the most best of terms. So apart from answering any questions she has, I dont say a word. As we are driving to Iceland, she is asking me why I am like this. I said either I keep shtum or we can have an argument because thats what inevitably happens with us.

So, I explain to her how I feel about the behaviour of some of my sisters from before my exam up until these last few days. For each and every point I make, she makes excuses. She starts generalising. So I asked if I had been lacking in my duties at home. She said no. So I asked why lump me in with everyone when she starts yelling? Why bother vocalizing the issue insteas of DOING something about it?
As always, he turns the whole topic around and starts acting like the martyr and also accuses me of overdramatising the issue.
So I shut up at that point.

On a positive note: I am back to full time work on Monday. So I will be working 7 days a week for the next 4 weeks. YESSS!!!!!


Anonymous said...

asalaamu alykum sista from another mother ;)

i hear ya. oh, the joy of working. i love working because it's an escape from my miseries at home. stay strong :)

Kav-Lee said...

I agree.
I work at a childrens hospital and it really grounds me and makes me value my life alhumdulillah.